Alula Australis
Star Type: A7III
Position in System: 8 (of 8)
Number of Moons: 1 (Caprice)
Days to Jump Point: 28
Surface Water: 87%
Atm. Pressure: Standard (Breathable)
Surface Gravity: 1.09
Equatorial Temp: 26° C
Highest Native Life: Amphibian
Population: 1,547,000,000
Capital: New Horizon City
Governor: Anna-Maurie Meggan
Planetary Legate: Merril d'Astiogne
Continents: Auroria, Hume, Locke
[3063] Alula Australis was originally a Steiner world, but was conquered by Geralk Marik in 2458. Steiner
forces attempted to retake the world in 2463, but were soon drawn into a stalemate. The introduction of the first
Free Worlds League 'Mechs in 2470 turned the tide in favor of the Marik's troops. The independence
celebrations lasted for over five weeks, during which more people were arrested for disorderly conduct than had
been detained by the military police in the entire seven years of fighting.
Perhaps in memory of that conquest, the people of Alula Australis welcomed the opportunity for their world to be
the site of the first full-scale BattleMech manufacturing centre in the Free Worlds. Unfortunately, this made them a
prime target during all three Succession Wars. Four times the facilities have been destroyed: twice by House
Steiner, once by House Liao, and once by House Marik to prevent them from falling into Steiner hands. After the
forth destruction in 2947, Captain-General Brock Marik decide to relocate the facilities to Savannah, which is
farther from the Steiner border.
This caused a considerable depression of Alula Australis's economy for half a century. The planet experienced a
revival, however, when veins of rare earths and gemstones were discovered in the mountain ranges outside the
planetary capital of New Horizon City in the late 2990s, and today these valuable exports form the basis for a
mining and refining industry. The rare earths are being used in the chemistry industry located in the cities of
Cirebon, Lengkong, and Mosiro.
All three of Alula Australis's major landmasses - Auroria in the northern hemisphere, Hume and Locke in the
southern - boast major industrial centers. New Horizon City is located on the southern peninsula of Auroria, while
Sturgeon, home to the planet's largest chemical corporation, AA PolyChem Unlimited, dominates the central
Hubbes River Valley on Hume.
[3132] A warm and pleasant world colonized early in the first Terran exodus and claimed even before the Star
League by House Marik's Free Worlds League, Alula Australis was a highly developed world even before it fell
under the sway of the Terran Hegemony. Under the joint Free Worlds/Hegemony banner, Alula Australis
benefited from the glories of the Star League era, and became a major industrial world that included among its
exports industrial metals, power generation systems, electronics, and even BattleMechs. Assaulted during the
Amaris Coup, this world fared better than most, and reverted to Marik control for much of the Succession Wars,
though heavy raiding crippled its BattleMech-dominated industrial base by the close of the thirtieth century,
sending the planet into a severe depression. The planet experienced a revival, however, when veins of rare earths
and gemstones were discovered in the mountain ranges outside the planetary capital of New Horizon City in the
late 2990s, and today these valuable exports form the basis for a mining and refining industry. Still in Marik hands
at the time of the Blakist Jihad, Alula Australis was spared the worst of the fighting, and all three of its major
landmasses "Auroria in the northern hemisphere, Hume and Locke in the southern" boast major industrial centers.
New Horizon City is located on the southern peninsula of Auroria, while Sturgeon, home to the planet's largest
chemical corporation, AA PolyChem Unlimited, dominates the central Hubbes River Valley on Hume.
[3132] Alula Australis was originally part of the Free Worlds League until the creation of The Republic. Alula
Australis became part of Prefecture X under the control of The Republic. After the fall of the HPG Network
Fortress Republic was created and many of the worlds under its control were set free.
[3135] Alula Australis remained part of The Republic and is now under its protection, inside the Fortress
Inner Sphere Planets
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