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©2003 WizKids, Inc. All rights reserved. MechWarrior, BattleTech, BattleMech, 'Mech, MW, Mage Knight, MK, Shadowrun,
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Inner Sphere Planets
Devils Rock
Star Type: N/A
Position in System: N/A
Number of Moons: N/A
Days to Jump Point: N/A
Surface Water: N/A
Atm. Pressure: N/A
Surface Gravity: N/A
Equatorial Temp: N/A
Highest Native Life: N/A
Capital: Forest City
Governor: N/A
Planetary Legate: N/A
* Information supplied is non-cannon **End of non-cannon information
[3025] Since the signing of the Concord of Kapteyn, the Free Worlds League has opened up its trade routes
with both the Draconis Combine. Initially this trade was primarily restricted to art and luxury items, such as
alcohol, jade, gold and bronze jewellry, and ceremonial weaponry. This traffic has since escalated to include
industrial goods and heavy equipment of all kinds, including military harware.
world contain magnificent bazaars, teeming with merchant houses, wholesalers, and speculators who can find a
profitable market (legal or otherwise) for virtually any commodity.
[3057] As part of Operation Guerrero, the Third Free Worlds Guards landed on Devil's Rock expecting to
encounter minimal resistance from the planetary garrison. This assumption proved to be false; the Third quickly
found itself embroiled in bitter street-to-street fighting in the capital of Forest City. In just four hours, the Guards
lost two lances of 'Mechs to Federated Commonwealth missiles; total losses amounted to nineteen 'Mechs before
the Marik troops finally crushed the resistance.
[3132] Devil's Rock was originally part of the Free Worlds League until the creation of The Republic. Devil's
Rock became part of Prefecture VII under the control of The Republic. After the fall of the HPG Network
Fortress Republic was created and many of the worlds under its control were set free.
[3135] Devil's Rockk remained part of The Republic and is now under its protection, inside the Fortress
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