Inner Sphere Planets
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Star Type: G5V
Position in System: 3 (of 5)
Number of Moons: 1 (Kito)
Days to Jump Point: 7
Surface Water: 82%
Atm. Pressure: Standard (Breathable)
Surface Gravity: 1.01
Equatorial Temp: 37° C
Highest Native Life: Birds
Population: 4,100,000,000
Capital: Lipton City
Governor: Vanessa Redstorm
Planetary Legate: Ngai Dinh
Continents: Eastern World, Noresta,
Suresta, Western World
administrators were refusing the Alliance call for men and ships to support the war effort. On Lipton, Alliance
militia battalions refused to board their transports, later fleeing to the hinterland before they could be arrested.
[3132] A quiet, terrestrial world of varied landscapes, lush temperate zones, and adequate resources to support a
low-level industrial society, Lipton is a curious planet. Prosperous, yet not overly so, Lipton achieved
self-sufficiency in short order, and its early settlers, a mix of western European and North American peoples,
came to enjoy their frontier life and trade with neighboring worlds.
When the Outer Reaches Rebellion broke out, Lipton's populace rebelled through passive resistance, refusing to
offer up its people to serve as troops for the decaying Terran Alliance. Self-sufficiency lent the Liptoners a sense
of independence that remained with them throughout the Star League era, and during the centuries afterward as
part of the Lyran Commonwealth's rebellious Skye region.
During the FedCom Civil War, in fact, many of the locals sided with the cause of Free Skye. The defeat of that
secessionist movement, however, took the wind out of their own spirit of rebellion.
The Jihad that soon followed the end of the Civil War gave the people of Lipton greater matters to worry about,
when Blakist mercenaries raided the planet. The mercenaries smashed several industrial and strategic targets,
including the military base at Estoria City, former headquarters of the Fourth Alliance Guards, on the Western
World continent, and the planetary capital of Lipton City on the Eastern World continent. The raids temporarily
disrupted trade to and from Lipton, further damaging the planetary economy. With precious little off-world aid
available due to fighting elsewhere, a depression took hold that lasted until Lipton, along with several nearby
systems, was ceded to Devlin Stone's Republic of the Sphere.
Today, Lipton is once more the quiet, industrious world it once was, though still regarded as something of a
backwater. The greatest planetary export, in fact, is textiles, with Redstorm Fashions, Incorporated (a local
clothier owned by the planetary governor) among the largest single corporations invested here. Unlike most
worlds, the capital of Lipton City is not home to the primary spaceport on planet. Instead, most visitors arrive and
depart through the interplanetary/suborbital traffic hub of Brannigan Field, located on Suresta, Lipton's equatorial
island-continent, which offers connecting flights to points on the Noresta, Western and Eastern World continents.
[3132] Lipton was originally part of the Free Worlds League until the creation of The Republic. Oliver became
part of Prefecture VIII under the control of The Republic. After the fall of the HPG Network Fortress Republic
was created and many of the worlds under its control were set free.
[3135] Oliveri remained part of The Republic and is now under its protection, inside the Fortress Republic.
* Information supplied is non-cannon **End of non-cannon information
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