Star Type: G8V
Position in System: 2 (of 5)
Number of Moons: 2 (Argeni, Insada)
Days to Jump Point: 6
Surface Water: 80%
Atm. Pressure: Standard (Breathable)
Surface Gravity: 0.90
Equatorial Temp: 37° C
Highest Native Life: Fish
Population: 1,137,000,000
Capital: New Dublin
Governor: Raymond Fritz
Planetary Legate: Gerhardt O'Malloy
Continents: MacArthur, Ridgeway,
[3132] Muphrid, like many worlds immediately coreward and anti-spinward of Terra, such as Skye and
Caledonia, was initially settled largely by Irish and Scottish colonists during the first wave of human expansion into

after Thorin, the Muphrid colonial government looked to their neighbor world for a guide and adopted similar
temperate-zone continents, Muphrid was quickly established as an agricultural world. Settled only a few months
zoning laws to contain industrial expansion and maintain the natural beauty of their world. Declaring the north
easternmost continent, Shamrock, as the industrial "zone", and limiting its close western neighbor, Ridgeway, to a
mix of mineral mining and agricultural concerns, the colonists defined the southern continent of MacArthur as a
low-technology "zone" similar to Thorin's continent of Freda. These zoning laws and their immediate effects
shaped the way Muphrid's population developed their world, and even today a distinct difference can be seen
between the cities and towns on each of the three continents.

Shamrock, the most populous and industrialized, is also home to the planetary capital of New Dublin, and the
large primary spaceport of Calenaton. Ridgeway, by comparison, has smaller towns dominated by granite- and
ore-mining operations or large agricultural communities and ranches. Meanwhile, the virtually untamed wilderness
of MacArthur is home to a few small farming, logging, and fishing communities, but remains dominated by thick
jungles untouched by humankind. The few Star League Castles Brian placed during the reign of the Terran
Hegemony were destroyed during the Amaris crisis or soon after the fall of the League, but thankfully very little
collateral damage was done, preserving research facility deep in the jungles of MacArthur still send prospectors
into the "unknown" many never to return.

Under the banner of the Lyran state, Muphrid continued to prosper, upset only by the occasional raid by
Combine or Free Worlds forces during the Succession Wars.

During the Jihad, Blakist forces launched a heavy strike on Muphrid to cripple its infrastructure, partially
destroying the capital and several major cities, as well as many surrounding townships, before allied forces beat
them back. Though a few tactical nuclear weapons were used, the majority of the damage has since been
repaired and memorials to those who fell defending the planet against the Word of Blake now stand in New
Dublin, Calenaton, Port MacArthur, and Mechanicsburg.

[3132] Muphrid was originally part of the Lyran Alliance until the creation of The Republic. Muphrid became part
of Prefecture X under the control of The Republic. After the fall of the HPG Network Fortress Republic was
created and many of the worlds under its control were set free.
[3135] Muphrid remained part of The Republic and is now under its protection, inside the Fortress Republic.
Inner Sphere Planets
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Previous Planet, Fortress Republic
* Information supplied is non-cannon **End of non-cannon information
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