Star Type: K9V
Position in System: 2 (of 8)
Number of Moons: 1 (Cerberus)
Days to Jump Point: 3
Atm. Pressure: [3063] Standard
(Breathable) [3132] Standard (Tainted)
Surface Gravity: 1.10
Equatorial Temp: [3063] 35° C  
[3132] 24° C
Highest Native Life: Fish
Population: [3063] 341,220,000
[3132] 1,160,000
Capital: [3063] Harlech
[3132] New Kearny
Governor: Emanuel Holings
Planetary Legate: Brianna Wolf
Continents: Remus, Romulus
[3063] Outreach, the so-called Mercenary's World, was first settled during the 22nd century by Terran colonists
attracted by the planet's warm climate, large tracts of arable land, and abundant natural resources. During these
early years, Outreach became known as an agricultural exporter, but tourism became the mainstay of the planet's
economy after the planet began to host the Star League Martial Olympiads in 2704. Following the collapse of
the Star League toward the end of the century, however, Outreach's tourism industry quickly died, forcing many
inhabitants to emigrate.

During the Forth Succession War, the Federated Commonwealth captured the planet. Following the cessation of
hostilities, Prince Hanse Davion granted Outreach to Wolf's Dragoons, the most famous and formidable
mercenary unit in the Inner Sphere. That action heralded a renaissance for the world. Determined to create a
home for themselves, the Dragoons immediately began to rebuild Harlech, the decaying capital of Outreach.
Within a few years, the Dragoons had transformed Outreach into the center of the mercenary trade for the Inner

Today, Outreach remains one of the few worlds of the Chaos March untouched by the bloody conflict raging in
the region. Unwilling to pay the high cost of battling the Dragoons' five regiments for control of the planet,
Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao proclaimed Outreach as an independent barony of the Capellan Confederation.
Generally, business has gone on as usual on Outreach. The renowned Hiring Hall, which is operated under the
supervision of the Mercenary Review and Bonding Commission, continues to attract mercenaries and employers.
In fact, the instability in the surrounding systems has caused a surge of activity at the hall, as employers from the
embattled worlds of the Chaos March come to the city in search of mercenaries. Just as the mercenary trade has
benefited from the tensions in the March, so have Outreach's 'Mech and weapon dealers, as well as numerous
other industries that support the mercenary trade. However, the troubles in the March have dampened
Outreach's tourist industry somewhat.

In addition to Outreach's healthy economy, the competent Dragoon government and the planet's
state-of-the-arty defenses have helped make Outreach an oasis of calm in the March. Dragoon commander
Jamie Wolf rules the planet with a firm yet fair hand, and the Cyclops I Orbital station enables the Dragoons to
closely monitor all incoming Dropships. These two conditions virtually ensure that none of the surrounding unrest
will spill onto Outreach.

Outreach contains twin continents, named Romulus and Remus. Romulus contains the planet's capital, Harlech,
as well as all its major cities and commercial enterprises. A mountain range known as the Ridge bisects Romulus,
and outside of the cities, the continent's countryside turns in small farms and lightly forested hills. Remus, also
known as the Outback, is the private hold of Wolf's Dragoons. The mercenary unit maintains a headquarters and
training facilities on this arid desert continent. The entire planet enjoys a warm, temperate climate all year round.

[3132] Outreach was known as the center for the mercenary trade in the mid thirty-first century, a site of the last
of the Star League's Martial Olympiads that later became home of the famous Clansmen-turned-mercenary
Wolf's Dragoons and the giant 'Mech manufacturer GM-Blackwell. Today, however, this world is less than a
shadow of its former self, reduced to a devastated, radioactive cinder with the assault on Outreach, in late 3067,
when a surprise blitzkrieg by renegade mercenaries sacked the Outreach was known as the center for the
mercenary trade in the mid thirty-first century, a site of the last planetary capital of Harlech in an operation
coordinated with and supported by the Blakists. A follow-up of the Star League's Martial Olympiads that later
became home of the famous ambush from a pirate jump point by Word of Blake WarShips obliterated the
planet's spaceborne defenses, including the entire Wolf's Dragoons fleet and both orbital battle stations. Even as
the surviving however, this world is less than a shadow of its former self, reduced to a devastated, radioactive
cinder elements of the most feared mercenaries in the galaxy tried desperately to regroup or withdraw, the that
only a handful of stubborn souls still call home. Most historians claim the Word of Blake Jihad began Blakist fleet
proceeded to bombard the planet with naval weapons and nuclear warheads. The continent of Remus, heart of
the Dragoons' military industries and research, along with the Tetsuhara Proving Grounds and the main
GM-Blackwell Industries factory, was completely sterilized by nuclear fire, while every major city on the
opposite continent of Romulus was pummeled by the guns of both WarShips and BattleMechs. The surviving
forces of the Dragoons and their allies withdrew from the holocaust, abandoning the world that had been their
only real home since leaving their Clan brethren in the early 3000s. What remains of the planet now is a
marginally habitable rock whose single large ocean, the Argosyan Sea, is saturated by fallout from Remus'
devastation. Little vegetation grows on Romulus, and what farming and business still goes on to sustain the
planet's decimated population now happens in domed or subterranean cities, where air and water purifiers
imported from off-world struggle to remove the worst of the poisoned planet's harmful effects. The effective
capital and primary spaceport on Outreach is New Kearny, a mostly subterranean city built from the ruins of
Harlech, on the edge of what once was Lake Kearny, Outreach's largest freshwater body. Now overlooking a
basin of baked-hard clay, New Kearny is home to nearly half the planetary population. The Jaime Wolf
Memorial Interplanetary Spaceport, located on the city's outskirts, is dedicated to the founder and leader of the
Wolf's Dragoons, who ushered in a new era for Outreach after the Fourth Succession War, and died in his
fateful defense of the planet during the Jihad.

[3132] Outreach was originally controlled by the Wolf's Dragoons until the creation of The Republic.  Outreach
became part of Prefecture X under the control of The Republic.  After the fall of the HPG Network Fortress
Republic was created and many of the worlds under its control were set free.
[3135] The Fortress Republic was created.

Outreach remained under the control of The Republic after the creation of the Fortress Republic.
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