Rigil Kentarus       
Star Type: G8V
Position in System: 2 (of 5)
Number of Moons: 1 (Riken Minor)
Days to Jump Point: 6
Surface Water: 66%
Atm. Pressure: Standard (Tainted)
Surface Gravity: 0.85
Equatorial Temp: 28° C
Highest Native Life: Mammals
Population: 315,000,000
Capitals: West Romaine & Destina
Governor: Adrianna Polaski
Planetary Legate: Kamala DeLaurel
Continents: Naskia, Worrens
Rigil Kentarus was a beautiful planet, blessed with a rare inhabitable moon, Riken Minor, when it was
discovered in the first days of Terran exploration. One of the first worlds to be settled, both planet and moon
were bustling centers of industry and commerce during the days of the Star League.

Located near the heart of the Terran Hegemony, both the planet and moon were heavily fortified by the SLDF,
with Castles Brian and surface-to-orbit defense stations on each. During the crisis that brought down the Star
League, however, Amaris troops captured the Riken complexes in a well-coordinated blitzkrieg and used the
orbital weapons to bombard the planet below, where remnants of the SLDF unit posted on the moon had gone
to regroup. At such ranges, however, the aim was inaccurate, and missed shots from both the planetary and
lunar bases delivered massive damage to the surface of both worlds.

In the years after the League's fall, under the banner of the Lyran state, Rigil Kentarus and its moon began to
recover from the devastation, despite numerous attacks launched by the Free Worlds League and the Draconis

The twin capitals of West Romaine on the planet's large southern continent of Naskia, and Destina Station on
Riken Minor's Lesser Plateau continent, maintain the bulk of each world's commercial and administrative
infrastructure. The large spaceport city of Mesopita, located on Worrens, Rigil Kentarus' northern continent, is
the planet's principal link to the moon and the stars beyond, and so is also home to a sizeable portion of the
planetary militia.

[3132]Rigil Kentarus was a beautiful planet, blessed with a rare inhabitable moon, Riken Minor, when it was
discovered in the first days of Terran exploration. One of the first worlds to be settled, both planet and moon
were bustling centers of industry and commerce during the days of the Star League. Located near the heart of
the Terran Hegemony, both the planet and moon were heavily fortified by the SLDF, with League, however,
Amaris troops captured the Riken complexes in a well-coordinated blitzkrieg and used the orbital weapons to
bombard the planet below, where remnants of the SLDF unit posted on the moon had gone to regroup. At such
ranges, however, the aim was inaccurate, and missed shots from both the planetary and lunar bases delivered
massive damage to the surface of both worlds. In the years after the League's fall, under the banner of the Lyran
state, Rigil Kentarus and its moon began to recover from the devastation, despite numerous attacks launched by
the Free Worlds League and the Draconis Combine. Unfortunately, this recovery was undone when the Word of
Blake Jihad targeted Rigil Kentarus and its moon during their effort to secure a buffer zone around Terra.
Nuclear and biochemical weapons laid waste nearly half the cities and installations on both worlds, costing
countless lives and tainting the air and water of both. Today, only a few habitable cities remain on Rigil Kentarus,
spared from the devastation only by the blind fortune of geography. Fewer still remain on Riken Minor. Of these,
the twin capitals of West Romaine on the planet's large southern continent of Naskia, and Destina Station on
Riken Minor's Lesser Plateau continent, maintain the bulk of each world's commercial and administrative
infrastructure. The large spaceport city of Mesopita, located on Worrens, Rigil Kentarus' northern continent, is
the planet's principal link to the moon and the stars beyond, and so is also home to a sizeable portion of the
planetary militia.

[3132]Rigil Kentarus was originally part of the Lyran Alliance until the creation of The Republic. Rigil Kentarus
became part of Prefecture X under the control of The Republic.  After the fall of the HPG Network Fortress
Republic was created and many of the worlds under its control were set free.

[3135] Rigil Kentarus remained part of The Republic and is now under its protection, inside the Fortress
Previous Planet, Fortress Republic
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