Saturday 10/21/07
Event Description:
Big Ben strikes twelve...the gentlemen assemble and tea is poured.<br>Then it happens, the call goes
out, pirates in London Harbor.
Can you defeat the pirates raiding the tea vessles?
Build: 40pts
Terrain: N/A
Islands: 4 per player
Special Rules: Place all eight islands in the center of the board, touching.<br>Roll for player one, who
decides if he/she will be the British Gentlemen or the Pirates (Note: Your fleet does not have to be of
these nations they just represent these nations).
Place all gold touching the island edges. Pirate player attempts to land and capture one gold per landing.
British Gentlemen attempt to sink all the Pirates or board them and take back the treasure.
The treasure represents Tea Crates.
The Pirate player beging the game between 3-4 S away from the island anywhere on the board.
The English Gentlmen beging the game 3-4 S away from the island but must be no closer than 2 S away
from a ship controlled by the Pirate Player.
The British Gentlemen may explore to obtain one gold piece per exploration.
It's tea time gentlemen...shall we?
Event Date: 12 April 07 11:00pm
Event Name: THe Sacking of San Juan Capistrano, San Luis Rey de Francia, San Diego de Alcala'
Venue FAQ in effect.
Off the coast of California Baja raiders come. Secretly America lusts for California. So too does its
neighbor to the East. Can the Spainsh missions survive the great uprisin of 1775? Are the troubles
fomented by American Business men? By China?
Can you change history? Place 3 Forts on the coast of California 3L apart. All Forts have 4 2L4 cannons
and can cancel one ability per turn. Fire pot specialist is the only thing that can burn down the Missions.
All other shots have no effect.
Players will place 3 islands, 8 Treasure Coins, 15 gold to simulate two nations vieing for the control of
and subsequent destruction of the California missions. The game ends when all missions have burned.
Missions burn but fire does not spread. When all cannons of a mission have been engulfed in flames, thus
making the fort derilict, the final shot can be performed by any cannon since the fort no longer is capable
of protection by either God nor Gun.
Point total: 40 plus each player may have 4 free crew (named or not) that have been hired or assigned to
them by their nation to simmulate national influence in their effort to sack and destroy the missions.
Missions have 1d6 +1 gold & a UT is found
on a roll of 5-6. The destruction will later in history prove to make Spain hesitate and then loose its war
with Mexico.
This is one of the unknown reasons (ask any historian) as to why America now owns California.
California will be represented by a group of 9 islands all touching. Place them in the center of the map.
Each player will place their islands at least 3L away from California.
Object: Get gold.
Pirates and skulls Gold and more......
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