Star Type: K5IV
Position in System: 5 (of 10)
Number of Moons: 5 (Astoria,
Istanbul, Viennes, Zarpedos)
Days to Jump Point: 4
Surface Water: 96%
Atm. Pressure: High (Breathable)
Surface Gravity: 0.83
Equatorial Temp: 57° C
Highest Native Life: Birds
Population: 1,398,000,000
Capital: Atria Prime
Governor: Yakov Jocasta
Planetary Legate: Jeremy Nguyen
[3132] Covered almost entirely in water, and wrapped in a thick atmosphere that traps heat and renders the few
habitable island chains, near the north and south poles, only moderately so, it's almost impossible to believe that
when scientists first came to this world, they had described it as a paradise. Though they did notice that the
above-average atmospheric pressure and the comparative lack of protective ozone likely contributed to the
planet's then-luxuriant warmth, what few colonists realized at the time was that Atria was only then coming out of
the final stages of its own ice age. Before they noticed the steady planet wide rise in temperature and humidity,
however, the colonists quickly discovered that the entire ecosphere was biologically incompatible with human
physiology. Though blessed with an abundance of flora and fauna that included massive marine life and atranas,
flightless avians nearly double the size of Terran pheasants, the human colonists could not use any of them as a
food source, and thus the planet grew dependent on its neighbors for agricultural needs.

Once part of the Terran Hegemony, Atria became a Combine holding for much of its history. However, its lack
of resources and oppressive climate tended to make invaders reluctant to waste resources on its defense, so the
world became known as yet another backwater of the Inner Sphere, suitable for nothing more grand than serving
as a staging ground for troops in transit. Fortunately, this lack of importance spared it the worst of the Amaris
Crisis, the Succession Wars, and the Jihad. Today, Atria retains its charm as a tropical getaway for off-world
tourists, though few are inclined to stay long unless they hail from more arctic planets.

The capital and primary spaceport city of Atria Prime, located on the southern polar island of Aitrakops, is thus
home to a flourishing hospitality industry including hostels, casinos, and a transoceanic port for luxury liners.

[3132] Atria was originally part of the Draconis Combine until the creation of The Republic. Atria became part of
Prefecture IX under the control of The Republic. After the fall of the HPG Network Fortress Republic was
created and many of the worlds under its control were set free.
[3135] Atria was released from the control of The Republic.

After being released from The Republic, Atria fell under the influence of the Vega territory.
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Inner Sphere Planets
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