[3132] Like most worlds close to Terra in the dark days leading to the Star League's fall, the once-thriving planet
of Epsilon Indi suffered badly at the hands of Amaris forces during the crisis. Captured early in the coup through a
liberal use of neutron weapons and lightning strikes against orbital defense sites, the population was decimated
and the world became a gauntlet for SLDF forces to pass through. An entire SLDF fleet and its attached ground
forces were obliterated while attempting to liberate the planet early in Kerensky's campaign, demonstrating the
horrific costs of any frontal assault. The eventual assault that broke the hold of Amaris' troops, however, led the
Usurper's men to resort to scorched-earth tactics, razing cities and factories with what remained in their nuclear
population now inhabits only the polar regions, which were spared most of the fallout. The rich mineral deposits
across the planet's four main landmasses are now accessible to mining operations based in the polar continents of
Boreria in the north, and Kantiles in the south. Kirst, Epsilon Indi's largest mining settlement, is located on the
northern shore of Kantiles, a scant 400 kilometers from the southern edge of the uninhabitable wastes of the
Surterra continent. The north-equatorial landmass of Ithicasia, just east of Surterra, suffered just as badly from the
damage of the Amaris occupation and liberation, but is nonetheless home to the domed mining colony of
During the Jihad, Word of Blake forces staged many of their operations from Boreria, particularly from the capital
city of New Rhodes, but were driven off by a combination of local resistance and elements of the famous
Northwind Highlanders mercenary unit. Today, Epsilon Indi is a world continuing to struggle for its recovery from
the scars of war.
[3132] Epsilon Indi was originally part of the Chaos March until the creation of The Republic. Epsilon Indi
became part of Prefecture X under the control of The Republic. After the fall of the HPG Network Fortress
Republic was created and many of the worlds under its control were set free.
[3135] Epsilon Indi remained part of The Republic and is now under its protection, inside the Fortress Republic.
Inner Sphere Planets
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Epsilon Indi
Star Type: F9V
Position in System: 1 (of 1)
Number of Moons: None
Days to Jump Point: 11
Surface Water: 31%
Atm. Pressure: Standard (Tainted)
Surface Gravity: 0.74
Equatorial Temp: 44° C
Highest Native Life: Reptiles
Population: 95,430,000
Capital: New Rhodes
Governor: Cecil Abraham
Planetary Legate: Pedro Robinson
Continents: Boreria, Ithicasia, Kantiles,
and Surterra (uninhabitable)
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