Star Type: A3V
Position in System: 3 (of 4)
Number of Moons: 3 (Cryos, Scarlet,
and Iolius)
Days to Jump Point: 43
Surface Water: 92%
Atm. Pressure: High (Breathable)
Surface Gravity: 1.11
Equatorial Temp: 26° C
Highest Native Life: Amphibians
Population: 956,000,000
Capital: Lollanda
Governor: Rianna Lo-Weng
Planetary Legate: Kieron Farther
Continents: Lyria, and Oanhu
[3132] The first colonists to Fomalhaut saw a world blessed with an unlimited water supply and lush semitropical
forestlands. Only a pair of small landmasses, Oanhu in the southern hemisphere, and Lyria in the equatorial zone,
and a few dozen islands rise from the Endless Seas, Fomalhaut's planet-wide ocean.
Settlers, most descended from the Hawaiian and Filipino cultures of Terra, readily took to this planet, and
established themselves on every landmass that could support life before too long. Exploiting the natural beauty,
unique three-moon night scape, and infinite emerald seas, these settlers made Fomalhaut into a resort world
Larger industries failed to take root on the planet, though an orbital ore-refining station was established to take
advantage of the metals found on the volcanic inner moon of Scarlet.
By the time of the Star League, very little had changed on Fomalhaut, and the planet was a favorite getaway for
the Terran Hegemony's idle rich. The lack of heavy industry spared the world much of the damage inflicted by
Amaris forces during the final days of the Star League, save for the destruction of the Scarlet refining station and
the planetary spaceport of Otaku. Thus, when the Draconis Combine claimed the world after the League's fall,
they too benefited from the tranquil beauty of this ocean world, though the centuries of near-constant warfare led
to the planet being raided by hostile troops on more than one occasion.
During the Jihad, however, Blakist forces were not as impressed with the eternal splendor of Fomalhaut. As a
hostile border world, just one jump from Terra, the planet was assaulted and occupied in a lightning strike by
mercenaries, in the Word of Blake's employ, who had to be rooted out of the planet's cities by Combine troops
during the campaign to end the Jihad. Many of the world's most beautiful resort towns were reduced to rubble in
the fighting, and the capital city, Lollanda, on Oanhu, had to be completely rebuilt after the Blakist mercenaries set
it ablaze to distract the liberating forces.
[3132] Fomalhaut was originally part of the Draconis Combine until the creation of The Republic. Fomalhaut
became part of Prefecture X under the control of The Republic. After the fall of the HPG Network Fortress
Republic was created and many of the worlds under its control were set free.
[3135] Fomalhaut remained part of The Republic and is now under its protection, inside the Fortress Republic.
Inner Sphere Planets
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