Star Type: K0V
Position in System: 5 (of 8)
Number of Moons: 2 (Justice,
Days to Jump Point: 4
Surface Water: 87%
Atm. Pressure: Standard (Breathable)
Surface Gravity: 0.84
Equatorial Temp: 34° C
Highest Native Life: Reptile
Population: 95,000,000
Capital: Bellacqu
Governor: Ingrid Doles
Planetary Legate: Michelle
[3132] Settled by self-styled pilgrims from the poorest nations in the African and South American continents on
Terra, everything about Carver V seemed a divine blessing compared to the homes they left behind. Large, deep
oceans, crystal-clear lakes, fertile lands and lush, mostly tropical forests, with few desert regions and rich veins of
ore and mineral deposits all awaited the early settlers who didn't mind the occasional storm.

The planetary capital city of Bellacqu was established on the planet's largest island, which the early settlers
dubbed Quantico, in the northern Quantico island chain. Just a few short years later, two more large settlements
were chartered and established on Carver V. Binsburg, a major mining colony, arose on the eastern edge of
Esperanza, largest of the southern Drasken Chain, and New Cairo, based around the Crocales-hunting and
ranching industries, appeared on the equatorial Kalimbawe Chain, just a few short years later. These new
settlements sparked a renewed interest in the creation of a planet wide wet navy to keep the scattered
communities connected, and by the time of the Star League, the seas of the planetary Infinto Ocean were busy
with the traffic of thousands of merchant marine vessels. Less to protect the planet's modest mineral mines and
Crocales-hide fashion industries than to defend against Capellan encroachment, the SLDF built the Quantico
Marine Fortification "an elaborate alternative to the standard Castle Brian" around Quantico and its neighboring
Parris Island. This massive fortification, surrounding the islands with a series of weapon towers and underground
tunnels, protected Bellacqu, as well as the major space-ports of El Toro and Baku, and several fortified
submarine and surface ship bases.

out against the Usurper's troops for six long years before Kerensky's liberating forces could rescue them. Their
valiant defense, as well as Carver V's lack of significant resources, and the difficulty in waging large-scale warfare
on the island-speckled planet spared the world much of the damage inflicted on its neighbors by the coup. During
the centuries under Capellan rule Carver V became a vacation spot for wealthy Confederation citizens, the empty
towers of the abandoned Quantico Marine Fortification recognized as a tourist attraction. Captured by the
Federated Commonwealth after the Fourth Succession War, Carver V experienced a major upheaval when the
Commonwealth fractured in 3057. Torn by fighting between the Capellan Confederation, Federated Suns, Lyran
Alliance, Free Worlds League, and even the Word of Blake, only the spirit of the planet's citizens allowed the
world to recover when the shooting finally stopped. Carver V was renamed Liberty by a popular movement to
unify the world that rose during this terrible crucible, and the name was ratified formally after the Jihad, when the
world was accepted into The Republic. Since then, Liberty has once more become a paradise to visitors and
natives alike.

[3132] Liberty was originally part of the Chaos March until the creation of The Republic. Liberty became part of
Prefecture X under the control of The Republic. After the fall of the HPG Network Fortress Republic was
created and many of the worlds under its control were set free.
[3135] Liberty remained part of The Republic and is now under its protection, inside the Fortress Republic.
Inner Sphere Planets
Previous Planet, Fortress Republic
Next Planet, Fortress Republic
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